Giá gốc là: 19,900,000₫.19,750,000₫Giá hiện tại là: 19,750,000₫.
Key Features
► Seamlessly Switch Any Channel
► 8 / 9-channel Digital-analog Video Input 1 DP 、1 DVI 、2HDMI 、2 VGA 、2 AV 、1SDI
► Signal Detection Function
► Support Audio Output
► Support Oversized Splice 10×10
► Support Custom Output Resolution 2304×1152@ 60Hz 、2560×816@60Hz 、3840×640@60Hz ► Pre-switching Technology
► 34 Shows The Effect Of Arbitrary Switching
► Mode Save And Recall
► One Key Black Screen And Freeze
► Knob Adjustment Settings
►Support RS232 Interface Control
► DVI-Loop Out Convenient To Multi-splicing
More Channel Video Input – LED Video Processor 8/9-channel video input, 1 DP,1 DVI, 2 HDMI,2AV(CVBS),2 VGA, 1 3G-SDI or 1 USB (Expanding); Basically covers the civil and industrial uses. All video input switching and enables fast cut and fade transitions. Practical Video Output Interfaces – Processor has three video outputs. 2 video outputs using two DVI outputs, including a VGA output and DVI outputs share one output connector. After these three videos are programmed to send output to the LED card or monitor. DVI1 video distribution output (LOOP OUT), in a multi-machine splice, is very practical, eliminating the use of video distributors, saving the user the tedious connections, reducing the connection failure rate. Seamless Switching-LED Video Processor can also seamlessly switch between any channels switching, the time adjustable from 0 to 5.0 seconds. With a fade transition effect, switch the input channel, so that the screen can be switched smoothly to the second screen. Using fast switching, switching input channels; you can instantly switch the video output
Full Output Resolution-LED Video Processor designed for users with useful commonly output resolution, the widest reach 3840 points, the highest of 1920 points, for a variety of dot matrix display. Up to 20 kinds of output resolution for users to choose, and can be adjusted to point output. Customers can also according to the actual needs, customize the desired resolution. Pre-switching Technology – Pre-switching technology, is switching the input signal is switched to predict in advance whether the input channel signal. This feature reduces the line is disconnected or may be due to the case of no signal input to switch directly lead to errors, improve the success rate performances. Support PIP、POP – PIP technology unaltered state in the original image, the other input of the same or different overlay images. LED Video Processor PIP function, not only can be adjusted overlay size, location, borders, etc. You can also use this feature to achieve Picture outside Picture (POP), dual-screen display
One Key Black – Black screen during a performance is an essential operation, during a performance, you need to close the image output, and you can use the black keys for fast black. Support Freeze – During playback, you may need to freeze the current picture together to achieve the “pause” screen. Freeze the screen, the operator can also change the current input selection or change lines, etc., to avoid background operation affect performance results. PART And FULL Fast Switching – LED Video Processor a simple and functional operation of the interception part of the screen and full-screen operation, anyone input channel can be independently set different interception effects, and each channel is still able to seamlessly switch. Users can arbitrarily set the current channel interception of part of the screen size and position, and the other channels remain unchanged intercept method. When switching between channels most of its screen or full-screen function follows.
Mode Save And Recall -LED Video Processor user presets with 4 groups, each user can store all user default setup parameters, use the “MODE” preset shortcut keys you can quickly recall. Can achieve rapid field parameter backup and recall function Equal And Unequal Stitching – stitching is LED Video Processor important part, which can be achieved equal stitching and unequal stitching, stitching on greatly satisfy users’ needs. On multiple processors to achieve frame synchronization, 0 delay, no tail, and other technologies to enable smooth performance perfect. Unequal spliced portion of the output is the same with the picture settings; the user can read the following chapters for instructions. 30bit Scaling Technology – LED Video Processor using a dual-core image processing engine, a single core can process 30 image scaling technology to achieve pixel output from 64 to 2560, while achieving 10 times the image to enlarge the output, i.e., the maximum screen more than 25,600. Brightness Adjustment Technology – LED Video Processor unique brightness adjustment function, reduce the brightness solved after layering lost, so that more true color reproduction.
Saved Directly Technology – Saved directly technology to solve the user’s settings and manually save tedious process, that users of co-ordination or adjust parameters without the implementation of artificial save operation, LED Video Processor user parameters automatically stored in EEPROM, even if the power When turned on, the parameters before power remains in the device. 34 GAMMA Curve – A rich pool of GAMMA curve, users can meet in a variety of light conditions and the use of color environments. ACC &ACM Image Filtering – LED Video Processor using ACC and ACM image filtering engine, handling each color, nonlinear filtering effect of the lowest loss rate of the image, restore the color fidelity. Support Audio Output – LED Video Processor can synchronization output while inputting HDMI, SDI, and USB signals,not only decode video signals, but also decode analog audio output, enabling audio and video synchronization output. Support RS232 Interface Control – can use a computer to connect the processor to use PC software to set the output resolution, brightness, audio switch, switch signal source, etc…….
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